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Tres Mali Scott |
Para-terrorism falls under Paranormal Psychiatry (PNP) because it affects or effects symptoms and can be measured through Nosology. Para-terrorism is the reason for the development of Paranormal Psychiatry (PNP). Para-terrorism causes chronic stress disorder, which affects, effects, agitates, or increases the symptoms of an existing physical, biological, or mental condition. Para-terrorism is a scientific study of the effects and affects of the use of para-terrorist techniques on behavior, mental processes, and how para-terrorism is affected by an organism’s physical and mental state, external and internal environment.
Physical state includes clothing and jewelry because para-terrorist use religious practices and clothing and jewelry are influence by religion. Physical state also includes physical health. An example is that Muslim men wear clothing that some other cultures would consider a "dress".
Mental state includes religion and outlines internal self-talk. Internal environment is psyche, psychic phenomena, and the soul. Mental state also includes psychological and psychiatric mental conditions.
Tres M. Scott, M.Ed., M.S., Ph.D. (ABD)’s coherent group of general propositions used to explain para-terrorist phenomena (Theory). The Theory of Para-terrorism.
The five main components that "para-terrorist/para-terrorism" uses:
1. A major para-terrorist act or a precipitating event.
2. Acute Stress Disorder or causing something that is characterized like Acute
Stress Disorder.
3.Continued terrorism or continued para-terrorism.
4. Stress reinforcers or maintenance of the stress.
5. Chronic Stress Disorder or causing something that is characterized like Chronic
Stress Disorder.
The Goal of the Theory of Para-terrorism: is to understand, describe, control, and predict the behaviors, technology, and techniques used by para-terrorists, to disarm and neutralize the security threats from para-terrorists.
Stimuli: Para-terrorist elicit responses from religious foundations for attacking. For example: para-terrorist use negative karma (strict religious named this sin). Sin or negative karma is an act considered morally wrong that causes negative chains of events to occur.
Use of Sensation and Perception: Many of the religious practices of para-terrorist include the use of psychic ability (strict religious call seers and prophets). The medical field also uses professional intituition, which may appear or present as a form of psychic ability, the discernment of diseases, conditions, criteria, or problems, Nosology. The sensations include awareness of supernatural and psychic phenomena, physical and emotional changes, as well as behavior changes. Some of these types of attacks are caused by a person’s psychopathology and some leads to psychopathology.
A paranormal psychological explanation for these types of sensations and perceptions are called the <a 17/the- "Clair-a’s" they include: Clairvoyance (clear seeing), Clairsentience (clear feeling/touching), Clairaudience (clear hearing/listening), Clairalience (clear smelling), Claircognizance (clear knowing), and Colorfastness (clear tasting).
Language, Thinking & Intelligence: Para-terrorist use religion and technology. For example: a spiritual understanding of other languages (strict religious call this Pentecost or Speaking & Interpreting Tongues). The word diagnosis comes from an ancient Greek word meaning "discernment". The word discernment is also a religious. Nosology is the discernment of diseases, conditions, criteria, or problems for the medical field.
The Deep Structure: The meaning includes psychic understanding. For example: Aberrations, psychic phenomena, use of Divine Beings and Spirits, Celestial Beings and Spirits, Demonic, Satanic, Ghostly, and Spiritual means. The physical affects or effects of Chronic Stress on an existing physical, biological, or mental condition.
Surface Structure: Organization of communication-code talking-sounds like it means something else. Some of these practices come from and lead to psychopathology. Psychopathology can be seen as mental diseases.
Code Talking: Impacts persons experiences. Language is acquired based on experience. Code talking may make it more difficult to process security threat information. Some mental diseases have disorganized speech, they can also be used in para-terrorist attacks, this makes it even more difficult to decode or understand the true meaning.
Intelligence: For para-terrorism, the ability for a para-terrorist to acquire religious, technological, and medical knowledge.
Measure of Para-terrorist Intelligence: the acquired threat-example: access to computer systems, bot nets, false identity or identity theft documented, etc. For paranormal psychiatry, the use of biological para-terrorism and biological warfare.
Social Paranormal Psychology: Para-terrorist use identity theft and false identities to become members of organizations and companies. Once they gain access to key and strategic information, it is used to systematically destroy the individuals that are the "foundation" or "back bone" of the organization or company. It is part of human nature to want to feel "accepted" or "loved". Para-terrorist use this innate need to manipulate behavior. Medical facilities are organizations and para-terrorist also use them to commit biological para-terrorism and biological warfare.
Motivation: Para-terrorist are motivated by political gain and perceived religious morality. Most of the religions that practice para-terrorism believe in "suicide", and are willing to also kill others.
Abnormal Behavior: Para-terrorism is a form of abnormal behavior. Jayne’s Theory calls this "through backs to bicameralism". Bicameralism is controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain, which dominates left-hemisphere activity: individual subordinates consciousness of self to control by group, a higher power, or other individual. Through backs to Bicameralism is the re-emergence of bicameral consciousness in modern life. Specifically a religious frenzy (could also be a schizophrenic episode or poetic frenzy).
For Abnormal Paranormal Psychiatry
Reinforcing Cause: A maintaining of the triggered event. For example- the introduction of airborne pathogens that stress the society, TB out break, this is also considered biological warfare.
Paranormal Psychology Perspective of General Causes from Para-terrorism of the Abnormalities: material deprivation, i.e. financial crisis. Family patterns, example Israeli and Palestine fighting, the break up of families as stated in the Los Angeles Times.
Psychic Disturbances: Para-terrorist use psychic disturbances to distract the society and individuals.
Paranormal Psychological International Relationships and Processes: Para-terrorist use religious practices.
Para-terrorist use:
- people, computers, electronics, satellites and signals, various instruments of detection, and forms of quantum physics
- used to manipulate, cause fear, intimidate, to organize violence, and
- especially cause unpleasant environments for political gains, purposes, and power.
- Witchcraft
- Satanism
- Magic, especially Black Magic, meaning deleterious
- Sorcery’s that are deleterious
- Hacking
- Suicide Bombings
- Bombings
- Dropped Cell Phone Calls
- Satellite Problems and satellite signal problems
- Electronic failures, including difficulty accessing the Internet
- Failure to receive electronic Mail (email)
- Religious Suicides
- Bomb Threats
- Biological Warfare (some third world countries call it the use of Witches)
- Identity Theft (used to access services and areas para-terrorist would otherwise not have access to)
- Parasomnia
- Psychic Disturbances
- Threat Analyst
- Observation of clandestine activities
- Analyst of illegal activity
- Religions
- Organizations
- Groups
- Educational Institutions
- Non-Profits
- Foundations
- Microsoft Window’s network guessing of passwords
- Guessing passwords of handheld gadgets like USB keys
- As many as 9 million computers around the world have been infected
- The Unified infected computers are called "bot nets" they are used to program the computers without the users knowing.
http://tmscconsultingservices.wordpress.com/ (2008)
http://paranormalpsychology.wordpress.com/ (2010)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Paranormal_Psychology (2010)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Tmscott2 (2007)
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